Tarot And Christian Prayer, pt. II

How I use this ancient tool to hear the voice of The Living God

Emily Rose
9 min readJan 3, 2022

Content warning: this article discusses the use of tarot cards and allusions to necromancy, which might offend certain sensibilities. It also features illustrations including Satan, and a brief moment of Nazi imagery for the sole purpose of mocking the Nazis, because no one likes the Nazis.

If you were a good yee or haw and already read, clapped for, and responded to part I, then you know why I — a thoughtful Christian woman on a journey — have chosen to incorporate a very “witchy” practice into my daily prayer and worship routine.

I explained how tarot cards are ultimately just cardstock cutouts covered with meaningful symbols that tell a story. They don’t rip holes in the fabric of time and space, they don’t steal knowledge from God, and they certainly don’t summon Satan to father your children.

I compared prayer to a radio antenna — a direct link to God like no known deity has ever allowed their followers. I also pointed out that mentally-different folks like myself need extra help to make sense of those signals. A tuner dial, if you will. The tactile and symbolic nature of tarot makes it a great way to tap into the right station, so to speak.

You’re probably still wondering how one practices tarot without spontaneously converting to Satanism or Wicca or LGBT+, or whatever else you’re irrationally terrified of. So, this second part is all…

