I had this idea once for the premise of In The Night Kitchen, the feature film, where the cooks were all named after Italian foods. Sal (salt), Cal (calzone), and Angeli (cappelli did angel, angel hair pasta, the token girl), I think I named them. Angeli was low-key the boss of the gang, and Sal had an obvious thing for her, and their pet name for Mickey was Leche, obviously. I forget where I was going with it, all those years ago. I just figured the best way to stretch it into a feature length film without losing sight of the source material would be to give the chefs vastly different personalities and let them work off each other, and spent a week or two thinking up goofy things they might do. Maybe they were trying to keep their Night Kitchen Mob BossTM from finding Mickey, but he does, and that’s how he ends up in the oven? It got really crazy, lol. Good times. I always liked this story, which I guess explains my wacked out attempt at fanfiction. XD