Handling Conflict As A Christian

On theology, neurology, and petting lions this holiday season.

Emily Rose
10 min readDec 7, 2022

The human brain is a fascinating and terrifying place.

This is your brain, sans flesh-onesie. (Medizzy)

This is the thing that governs every solitary sensation we have while bound in these clay vessels, and there’s clearly a reason it’s kept wrapped up under so many layers of blood, fibers of varied hardness, and other assorted gore. Of all the inner systems that make the human machine function, and all the horror they individually inspire in us, the nervous system is the most frightening in both appearance and sheer mystery.

Seriously. Who the heck even comes up with crap like this?

Well… God, apparently. If Genesis 1: 26–27 is to be believed, God has created humankind in His own image — His only creation to be given such an honor. Pete Enns, a contributor for BioLogos.org, talks more deeply about this phenomenon, common conclusions we draw from it, and what it truly means in a theological context.

“The phrase “image of God” is not about what makes us human. It is about humanity’s unique role in being God’s kingly representatives in creation. Once we understand what image of God means in Genesis, we will be in a better position to see how this idea is worked out elsewhere in the Bible.”

